so here goes.
to all the teachers at one yoga, but specifically jessica for teaching me the knife-in-the-peanut-butter-jar technique, which got me through my first 14 hours of driving somewhat comfortably.
to molly, for peaches and cream, breakfast of champions.
to derek, for knowing i'd need to know where to get good beer and coffee once i arrived.
to tina fey, for reading her book to me all the way out here.
to eden and jp, for your gracious hospitality and to sam and james, for your future, bus-slash-brothel based hospitality. and also to all four of you for just being awesome in general.
to amy and lindy, for the light of your friendship and the warmth of your sweaters.
to sarah, for being the best kind of bad influence and providing sound advice on homelessness.
to mucha, for always managing to snap a good picture of me, smeared lipstick be damned.
to my family for your support (and gifts of cash)
to my endlessly patient mother, for, well, being endlessly patient.
and finally, to michael. thanks for nothing, jerk. you're not gonna read this anyways.
coming soon: unbelievably true tales of actually having a bed but still having little to no clue what's going on here.
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